Becoming Me!
I am just in love with who I am becoming to be. I see myself really evolving into a more positive and smart person. I'm learning something new everyday while I'm on my winter break and it is really opening my eyes to opportunities that I realized has always been in my reach but never had the drive to go the extra mile for. Yes! I have my moments of doubt but there not as constant like they use to be because of the change in my mind set and in the actions that i show to helps myself get out of the doubtful thinking. Its hard...I know, but its hard work for the better of ME! I'm trying to spread the word, the love, and the positivity the best way I can. I think I feel this way because I believed in something and faith/hope brought to believe that with God it is possible. I'll be honest I use to struggle with my main course classes for a couple of semesters, which led me to believe that I was not smart like everyone else or was not a fast learner so I would not graduate on time. The feeling of degradation and just always pessimistic in the back of my head showed me that that train of thought was not helping me pass my classes, do my work to the best of my abilities, or feel good about myself in any way. Well, that feeling is gone, this passed semester I passed all of my classes...even the hard ones and if I did this semester and can do it again next semester and the semester after that. It really open the door to my intelligence and positive spirit. I'm just in a good place with myself as far as ME is concern. My love life.......Now that's a different story LOL.
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