Tuesday, March 11, 2014

It's a Process

I'm so glad I use this as a gateway to vent or just express myself. I've been so confused these pass couple of days ( nothing new) about what i really want to do. I started thinking dance was something I wanted to do because it's my passion, but I feel like I also need to be doing something that will have me comfortable financially. My major is corporate communication.  The reason I am confused is because I really don't know how to start my future. This made me so sad too, the other day I wanted to cry while I was talking to my dad but OMG he really helped me understand some things I need to do. See the thing is...I feel like I am not good at anything which is not so not true but because I'm not where I should be in certain areas of my life is all because of ME. To be totally honest I do not feel like I have not been giving my all into important values in my life, I just do the bare minimum but then expect a good grade or results just because I did it. This is nothing but being LAZY and that's getting me NOWHERE. I realized I have to start working in my fulling potential so that I may know what the hell it is I want to go forth and pursue. Now I'm like..where do I start. I want to jump right on in with dance but am I really ready? am I really ready for an internship in my major ? NO! I 100% don't feel prepared enough to even put myself out there yet on the level. I just need some motivation and prayer to get me through these journey of self because I'm telling it's some days I just want to give up. In addition, I've been struggling with my self physically as well. Last week into the beginning of this week I was not felling the way I looked. And I know we all have those moments but I really was disgusted with my face because of my acne. It can really bring me down so I try to overlook it but I was just not feeling my face and how I look in the mirror. on instagram SELFIES :) are the worst. because I  almost cried when I saw how I looked in one of my friend picture (selfies w/ two people) and I hated it. So then I thought to myself WAIT...that is hoe god made me and I am beautiful. I should not be tripping over things that will eventually go away. I use to get irritated over anything real bad or throw a pitty party just to say bad things to make it okay and its really not cool to do. I love myself, so when I take a pic or looking in my reflection I will say five positive things about how I look :) Once again I am stilling mastering the craft of Dekka 
 "Once a task is first begun, do it until it's totally done
be that task big or small, do it well or not at all." 


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