Sunday, November 24, 2013

Good Morning !

I realized that it is okay to not know how to word your feeling sometimes. Lately I've been thinking so much that I cannot find the right words to express my thoughts. So, I talked to GOD this morning because I have not done that in a while...yes I know it's bad but I am learning. He is there when ever I am ready to talk so I have no worries about him looking down on me. Anyway, I talked to him this morning praying and asking for him to show me my purpose, who I am because I'm learning news things in my life that require me to have some passion and drive of my knowledge to express this to the world....but what is it? I ask him to show me the way. Not only did I ask him some things, I wanted him to know I was thankful for my family, friends, and everything little thing that he has placed in my life. Yeah I know it's hard to do because sometimes people don't want to face their problems but only GOD knows my future, my full thoughts, and my true dreams. That is the person I feel like I can talk to if nobody's him!

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