Sunday, August 30, 2015

Week of Me.

I decided to go on a spiritual, mental, and physical detox this week. Now that i have time on my hands, it is easier for me to really take care of myself, while also discovering who I am. Since I've been back from New York, I only want to focus on the greater good within me and what makes me happy. However, my journey of self love is nowhere near over yet...rather it just begun. So, if you want to start off this week with an open mind and heart here's my recipe :)


-morning prayer before you start your day 
-Calming session in the middle of the day to keep you positively focus 
-Night journaling and/or prayer 


-Do something everyday that makes you happy (big or small)
-Read and reflect 
- Church


-Water, hot tea, and juicing veggies ONLY
-Meal prep (make sure you include protein, salad, and fiber)
-Exercise (three time a week)

OK! Have a great week and remember that when you wake up ONLY YOU can choose what kind of day you want to have. I hope this helps someone other than me this week. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Reading Good

It's funny because this morning I was looking around on Instagram, YouTube, and blog to find some inspirational message or reading. I realized that maybe I should create my own motivating message. I have been looking this whole time for something that can only touch my heart, soul and mind. ..

Staying confident and focus can sometime be hard, especially if it is something we work at constantly. As a dancer I get discouraged because I'm very hard on myself, but I'm realizing that as long as I continue to work on my craft, I will improve. My weekly memo is to focus hard and complete every task. As long as we have patience and happiness, something great will come along.